Head of the Department: Prof. Adam Liebert, PhD, DSc
Investigations are focused on the methodology of the functional research of the nervous system, in particular on imaging, monitoring, and analysis of the activity of the brain. Laboratory of Biomedical Optics deals with modern techniques of medical diagnosis based on the interaction of light with the tissue structure. Particularly, the theoretical and experimental studies are devoted to the improvement of two tissue optics techniques: near-infrared spectroscopy, diffuse correlated spectroscopy, and laser-Doppler flowmetry. These techniques allow for the assessment of changes in tissue oxygenation and perfusion related to the enhancement of neural activity in specific brain regions.
The Laboratory of new diagnostic applications of MRI (CNS Lab) deals with accurate and detailed programming, including a selection of the most appropriate imaging sequences and best study protocols, and MRI data analysis methods. The laboratory carries out experiments with simultaneous MRI, NIRS and EEG acquisition, deals with quantitative BOLD and perfusion imaging and spectroscopic imaging with the use of hyperpolarized agents.
Laboratory for Biomedical Optics
Head of Lab.: Stanisław Wojtkiewicz, PhD
Prof. Roman Maniewski, PhD D.Sc.
Prof. Adam Liebert, PhD D.Sc.
Piotr Sawosz, PhD D.Sc.
Sara Fathollah, PhD
Anna Gerega, PhD
Michał Kacprzak, PhD
Saeed Samaei PhD
Aleh Sudakou PhD
Karolina Bejm (PhD student)
Neda Mogharari (PhD student)
Interinstitute Laboratory of new diagnostic applications of MRI (CNSlab)
Head of the Lab: Professor Piotr Bogorodzki, PhD DSc.
Ewa Piątkowska-Janko PhD
Nikodem Hryniewicz PhD
Paweł Kazulo (PhD student)
Marcin Sińczuk (PhD student)
Nałęcz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering PAS, Ks. Trojdena 4 st., 02-109 Warsaw, POLAND
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