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04 0843aa

 The team lead by Professor Marek Darowski invented VENTIL- system for independent synchronous lung ventilation.


In some clinical cases mechanical properties of each lung of a patient differ so much, that is necessary to ventilate them separately to control ventilation of each lung. VENTIL device allows for independent, fully automated synchronous ventilation of lungs with use of only one respirator. In the shortage of respirators (ex. terrorist attack, natural disasters) device allows also to ventilate in classical system two patients using single respirator.


Independent lung ventilation

 Effects of unilateral PEEP

Successful ventilation with a unique device 


For press:,_two_lives.pdf

We would like to invite you on Seminar of the Department III

Nikodem Hryniewicz, MSc

will speak about: Hemodynamic response function models for simultaneous EEG-fMRI data

The seminar will take place in the Hall Professor A. Morecki, Wednesday, february 26th at 11:00 am.

We would like to invite you on Seminar of the Department III

Stanisław Wojtkiewicz, PhD

will speak about: Laser and Ultrasound Co-Analyser of thyroid nodules – making a device for thyroid cancer screening

The seminar will take place in the Hall Professor A. Morecki, Wednesday, february 19th at 11:00 am.

  During General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences

professor Adam Liebert has been elected

 a corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
    2018 ALnWw

We would like to invite you to the European Forum: Biomedical Engineering from Research to Commercialization.

This meeting will be held in Warsaw on December 2nd-4th, 2019 and will be chaired by Prof. Piotr Ładyżyński

The details of the program are available on:

Prof. Piotr Ladyzynski – chairmen of the Industry Working Group (IWG) of the IFMBE was engaged in organization of the Summer School on Emerging Technologies to Support Health Care and Independent Living 2019 entitled “Challenges of the Digital Ecosystem in the Health Services for the Elderly” at the Pontificia University Javeriana, Bogota, Columbia, on 25-29 June, 2019.

bogota www

We would like to invite you on Seminar of the Department II

Marcin Grzeczkowicz, PhD

will speak about: Starting a high power, medium voltage induction motor

The seminar will take place in the Hall Professor A. Morecki, Thursday, October 14th at 2:00 pm.

We would like to invite you on Seminar of the Department I

Kamila Sadowska, PhD DSc

will speak about: Functionalized carbon nanostructures for enzymatic bioelectrodes

The seminar will take place in the room 23, Thursday, November 7th at 11:00 am.

We would like to invite you on Seminar of the Department II

Anna Grzeczkowicz, PhD

will speak about: Hydroxyapatite for cell culture

The seminar will take place in the Hall Professor A. Morecki, Thursday, October 31th at 2:00 pm.




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Nałęcz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering PAS, Ks. Trojdena 4 st., 02-109 Warsaw, POLAND
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