Podstawowym dokumentem regulującym funkcjonowanie Międzynarodowego Centrum Biocybernetyki jest Porozumienie zatwierdzone przez Radę Naukową MCB w dniu 22 lipca 1994 r., którego treść w oryginalnym brzmieniu (w jęz. angielskim) przytoczono poniżej.


approved by the Scientific Council of ICB on July 22, 1994


In view of the importance of the fields of biocybernetics and biomedical engineering, and taking account of the need for scientific participation and exchange between Central and Eastern Europe and the rest of the world for the further development of these fields, the signatory scientific institutions, hereinafter called "the Parties" have decided to enter into this Agreement. The list is presented at the end of the Agreement.

Article 1

  1. In consequence of this Agreement the existence and purposes of the International Centre for Biocybernetics at the Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (hereinafter called "ICB") are confirmed and its function and modus operandi are hereby clarified, modified and extended by the Signatories. The ICB is located in Warsaw, Poland.

Article 2

The ICB acts in accordance with this Agreement as signed by all Parties.


The understanding of the Parties is as follows:

Article 3

  1. The main objectives of the ICB are: exchange of scientific experience and the improvement of professional qualifications, and facilitation of research and application in the field of:
    - biosystems,
    - biomeasurements,
    - artificial organs and biomaterials,
    - biomechanics,
    - informatics in medicine,
  2. and other fields also connected with application of technology to biology, medicine and health care. To achieve these aims, the ICB will undertake the following activities:
    - organisation of scientific meetings in the form of seminars, summer schools and conferences as well as other meetings aimed at the exchange of information and of experience;
    - facilitation and encouragement of research and development;
    - acquisition and dissemination of relevant information, including publication of scientific materials connected with ICB activities.

Article 4

  1. Specialists from the Parties participating in this Agreement will contribute to the work of ICB.
  2. Specialists from other countries or organisations may be invited by the Director of ICB to take part in its work.

Article 5

The ICB has no juridical personality. In legal relations with third parties, the Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences acts on behalf of the ICB.

Article 6

  1. The Scientific Council of the ICB is appointed by the Parties to this Agreement.
  2. The members of the Scientific Council are distinguished specialists in the field of biocybernetics or biomedical engineering delegated by the Parties participating in this Agreement. Other persons up to a maximum of 50% of those directly appointed may be invited "ad personam" to become members on the proposal of the Scientific Council. Members would serve for a period of three years, unless specifically reappointed or reinvited for another term.
  3. The Chairman of the Scientific Council is elected from among the members of the Scientific Council for a period of three years by simple majority of votes cast by those attending.
  4. The functions of the Scientific Council will be:
    - to formulate general guidelines for the ICB activities;
    - to consider proposals of the Director concerning the programme
    and budget of the ICB as well as the annual contributions of
    the Parties which are discussed and agreed in advance between
    the Director and the Parties concerned;
    - to consider reports of the Director on the activities resulting
    from this Agreement.
  5. The Scientific Council may propose Statutes for the ICB if thought desirable.
  6. The Scientific Council will meet at least once a year upon convocation by the Chairman or more frequently on the proposal of at least half of the Scientific Council members.
  7. Each member of the Scientific Council can authorise another person to represent him/her in the Scientific Council meetings.
  8. At each meeting 5 members, of whom at least 3 shall be appointed members, should constitute a quorum and each member shall have one vote.
  9. Except as provided in Article, 12 the decisions of the Scientific Council will be made by a simple majority of votes of the members present and in the event of a tie the Chairman will have the casting vote.

Article 7

  1. The Director of the ICB will be a representative of the Polish Academy of Sciences appointed by its authorities.
  2. The Director represents the ICB in contacts with the Parties to this Agreement and with other institutions.
  3. The ICB Director shall inter alia:
    - administrate the ICB activities and supervise their realisation;
    - consult with the Parties and present to the Scientific Council for approval the proposals about their annual contributions to the ICB;
    - prepare and present to the Scientific Council an annual report including a financial report, propose budget and draft programme ICB activities;
    - organise the sessions of the Scientific Council;
    - appoint the scientific and general staff of the ICB activity in accordance with its programme;
    - execute the programme and budget within the framework of general guidelines formulated by the Scientific Council.

Article 8

  1. The ICB shall publish the results of its activities provided that such publication does not contravene existing policy regarding rights to intellectual property.
  2. Except as otherwise agreed in advance in specific cases, all rights related to any works produced or developed by the ICB shall be vested in the Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the benefit of the ICB.
  3. ICB shall use the results of its original works according to Polish law.

Article 9

  1. The resources necessary for the activities of the ICB shall consist of:
    - the seed contribution allocated by the Polish Party,
    - the annual contribution allocated by the Polish Party to cover the basic running costs,
    - annual contributions allocated by the other Parties,
    - other contributions, including gifts, bequests, subventions, grants and charitable funds as may be granted by other organisations and institutions, whether public or private persons; by associations or by individuals,
    - other income from sources approved by the Scientific Council.
  2. Financial resources mentioned in paragraph 1 shall be used to cover ICB operating expenses such as office space, equipment, related facilities and publications.
  3. Travel expenses of the appointed members for sessions of the Scientific Council will be met by the sending organisation. Other expenses connected with Scientific Council sessions will normally be covered by the Party in whose country the session is being held.
  4. During ICB meetings in Poland the ICB will provide accommodation, subsistence and emergency medical care for members of the Scientific Council and for invited lecturers.
  5. Costs of travel, accommodation and subsistence of other participants at seminars and in the other ICB activities are not met by ICB but are normally covered by the sending organisation.

Article 10

National and international scientific institutions interested in the ICB activities may become Parties of the Agreement subject to Scientific Council approval.

Article 11

The working language of the ICB is English.

Article 12

The present Agreement and Understanding shall be valid for an indefinite period on the understanding, however, that each Party has the right to terminate its membership at the end of any calendar year upon giving notice in writing to the Polish Academy of Sciences at least six months in advance. If thought fit for substantial reasons, the Scientific Council may recommend to the Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering that the membership of any Party shall be terminated. The Institute will make appropriate enquiries before initiating appropriate action.

The present Agreement and Understanding may be changed on written approval given by two-thirds majority of all members of the Scientific Council. Votes may be cast by correspondence.

Article 13

  1. The ICB activities will be terminated if so decided by a two-thirds majority of all Parties.
  2. In the case of such termination the Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences will resume responsibility for the ICB estate.
  3. All problems connected with the ICB termination will be the responsibility of the Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Article 14

  1. This Agreement and Understanding is subject to approval according to the legal regulations of each country. Notifications of approval are to be sent to the depository.
  2. The Agreement and Understanding shall enter into force for an individual Party on approval by that Party.
  3. When the present Agreement and Understanding is signed, the Parties hereto agree thereby to this replacement of the Agreement establishing the ICB signed on 27th October, 1987 and modified in February, 1993.
  4. The Agreement and Understanding of July 22, 1994 will be deposited by the Polish Academy of Sciences which is to act as depositor of the Agreement.

The Agreement and Understanding Concerning the International Centre for Biocybernetics approved by the Scientific Council of ICB on July 22, 1994 is hereby signed by:

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
The Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine in Tallinn, Estonia
Georgian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Biomedical Technologies, Italy
Polish Academy of Sciences
Romanian Academy
Russian Academy of Sciences
Taras Shevchenko Kiev University, Ukraine
Vietnam National Centre for Natural Science and Technology