Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium Zakładu III

Mgr Urszula Zuchowicz  wygłosi wykład na temat:

Nonlinear analysis of EEG data in persons with depression subjected to transcranial magnetic stimulation

Seminarium odbędzie się w dniu 13 marca (środa) o godz. 11:00 w sali im. prof. A. Moreckiego


Mgr Zuchowicz jest laureatką konkursu "Diamenty AGH 2018". Głowna nagroda w tym konkursie została przyznana za jej pracę magisterską wykonaną pod kierunkiem dr Elżbiety Olejarczyk oraz prof. Ryszarda Tadeusiewicza. Wyniki tej pracy będą omawiane podczas Seminarium



In this work the impact of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) treatment on brain activity in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and with bipolar disorder (BP) was studied. The therapeutic response was correlated to the evaluation of the changes in brain functional connectivity between consecutive rTMS sessions and also between nonresponders and responders to treatment. Comparison between MDD and BP patients was also performed. The functional connectivity was estimated by means of Phase Locking Value (PLV) and indices based on graph theory. In particular, in this study the following hypotheses were tested: (1) the indices degree and strength of phase synchronization quantified by PLV change after application of rTMS and these changes are frequency- and topographically-specific as well they depend on time of stimulation; (2) groups of non-responders differ from responders as well as groups of MDD differ from BP. It was shown that the changes of PLV under stimulation might be a good indicator of response to depression treatment permitting to improve the effectiveness of therapy.